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Happy tour, safe and return to the northeast corner of the campus

Date :2019-03-26
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[Happy tour, safe return to the northeast corner of the sea campus water security propaganda]

Cooperate with the policy to promote the "Tourism Safety Advocacy Week" in the third week of March of each year from March 17 to 23 of this year. The Northeast Region and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Management Office will be responsible for the tourism safety of the waters in the jurisdiction. In the jurisdiction of the coastal campus, the teachers and students will be engaged in the safety education of water recreation activities, and the tourism safety knowledge will be taken down.

Since the 13th, the management office has hired an international 4-star diving instructor, Mr. Yin Decheng, as a lecturer, and has launched campaigns for Dali, Daxi, Hemei, Natou and Gongmu national teachers and students. In total, 250 participants participated in 4 sessions, except for learning. Basic life-saving essentials such as reclining floats, lifebuoys, rope-throwing bags and torpedo buoys, and introducing dangerous creatures in the sea, and propagating to children and teachers to engage in recreational activities in the waters, be sure to find legal waters and recreation activities to register and handle insurance according to regulations. Store.
In order to improve the safety of water recreation activities, the Management Office has long cooperated with the Central Meteorological Bureau Chengda Hydrological Center to develop and build a sea weather information station. Visitors can use smart phones to quickly obtain the latest walrus information through QR-code links; open waters every year. Before the operation, we will conduct a joint audit of safety drills and publish the qualified stores to facilitate visitors' inquiries. In addition, a total of 58 lifebuoys (ropes) groups will be set up at various hot-spot locations to cultivate small safety through these several campuses. The narrator, the management office hopes to continue to disseminate the seeds of safety education so that all tourists can "happy and safe."

Last Updated:2019-03-26