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Hundreds of people responded to the 2024 new bicycle riding training course to welcome the new mileage of cycling

Date :2024-05-24
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In recent years, the number of participants who have experienced in-depth cycling tours has been increasing year by year. Thanks to the efforts of the Northeastern Corner of the Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Transport and the Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Management Office, the Fulong area has become one of the first choices for cycling tours. Every year The "Fulong Life Festival" is organized through bicycle-themed cycling tours and marketing activities to encourage the public to ride bicycle trails such as the Old Caoling Circular Line to actually experience the local cultural characteristics and natural landscape in depth, and to go into the local area through cycling. Feel the beauty of the place.

Yilan Coastal Bicycle Trail

You Liyu, director of the Northeast Corner and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Management Office of the Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, said that the office will launch the "Fulong Life Festival" this year (113), with planned bicycle tours such as the Old Caoling Tunnel and Gongliao Shuangxi. Welcome Friends at home and abroad who love cycling activities should go to the northeast corner to ride a bicycle and experience the local natural scenery and unique businesses in depth. On May 31st, the Fulong Life Festival and the opening event of Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Season will be held. On June 1st, in conjunction with the Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Transport, we will also organize a response event for World Bicycle Day, hoping to create a bicycle tourism brand and the best travel choice in the Northeast corner through a series of bicycle activities.

Fulong Life Festival

In addition to actively promoting bicycle riding activities, the Northeast Point Management Office also attaches great importance to the training of bicycle riding personnel. Every year before the event, relevant practitioners or interested parties are recruited to jointly conduct bicycle riding and maintenance practical training courses. Through professional training, Cycling tours and tours combined with guided tours of scenic spots enable tourists to have a deeper understanding of local cultural characteristics, thereby promoting bicycle leisure activities and local sightseeing tourism. A training course for leading riders will be held today (5/24). The content is arranged in five major aspects: basic essentials of leading a bicycle, sharing of practical operating experience, maintenance and troubleshooting, essentials of cycling injuries and prevention, leading level and the content of the examination. , aiming to enhance the professional knowledge of participants’ cycling tour guides and lead the public to experience the cycling journey in the Northeast corner.

Leading rider training course

In order to allow more people to understand the skills of bicycle riding and maintenance, the Northeast Point Management Office has added industry partners in the local business district and the Greater Northeast Point Tourist Circle this year, and the course has received enthusiastic response and the number of people signing up for the course has exceeded 100. Today (5/24), Yan Yuting, a C-level leading riding coach, and Zheng Zonghui, a senior physical strength training coach for island riding, were invited to teach their own leading riding knowledge. Coach Yan Yuting also combined his own professional geography to teach how to judge when riding. The impact of terrain and slope sections on people can be used to adjust riding conditions to avoid crises. In addition, coach Zheng Zonghui brings experience content in the bicycle industry and tourism economic system to the course, allowing participating students to learn knowledge and understand the current situation of the bicycle industry. . The teaching style of the two coaches is also different from the past. They use interactive lectures and situational simulation operations, so that students can not only quickly learn knowledge, but also perform practical operations based on various simulated situational questions to improve their own experience. For example, there is no professional repair How to use common items for repairing tools. We hope that through this training course, participating students can jointly improve the quality and safety of tourism services, and promote mutual promotion of bicycle tours in the Northeast.


Coach gives class

For information on activities related to the "2024 Fulong Life Festival", please follow the Northeast Point Tourism Information Network and the Friends of Northeast Point Facebook fan group for the latest information.

Last Updated:2024-05-24