Lanyang River Outlet is a classic alluvial fan near Donggang, Yilan. It is also a globally renowned bird-watching site. In a survey on wetlands in Asia, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed it as one of the 12 major wetlands in Taiwan. From October to April in the next year, migratory birds come here to spend the winter. The outlet is particularly alive from November to March - filled not only with birds, but also bird watchers.
When migratory birds are here, fans of birds come here with family and friends. They carefully observe the birds in the sky through telescopes. The ocean nearby is also worth some appreciation - the dancing ocean waves and Guishan Island in the far distance are simply beautiful. Visitors may also take Yilan Coastal Bicycle Path to enjoy a leisurely bird-watching ride.
E-land Bus 791 (Yilan Train Station – Chengzi) 🡪 Get off at Banyan Park.