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Feel free to fill in the following columns if you have any comments or suggestions.
Upon receiving your letter, we will forward it to a responsible agency immediately.
Your opinions will be considered carefully and serve as policy-making references in the future.

*If you have any travel or tourism related questions call the service hotline at: 886-2-24991210, or ask at Northeast Coast Official Facebook.

The procedures:

  1. Fill in an opinion form
    Fill in all of the required columns and make sure the email address is correct
  2. Check your mailbox
    You will receive a confirmation letter from the Administration. The letter includes a serial number which you may use for checking the case status in the future.
  3. Handling of the form
    Upon receiving your form, we will forward it to a responsible unit, which will handle the case with care and get back to you within 7 days. You may check the status of the case according to the number listed in the aforementioned letter online.
  4. Reply
    When all procedures are completed, you will receive another letter which notifies you of the result. You may fill in the questionnaire attached to the letter to express how satisfied you are with our dealings.