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Observation activities explore the local leaders to see the Yilan highlight team

Date :2021-02-05
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The Northeast Corner of the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Communications and the Management Office of the Yilan Coast National Scenic Area (hereinafter referred to as the Northeast Management Office) held an observation activity at the Yilan Zhuangwei Sand Dune Tourism Service Park at 10 am today (4), leading the Greater Northeast Cape Tourism Circle The industry's businessmen visited outstanding companies in Yilan, and learned from the other's business advantages through the five dimensions of sustainable tourism, and the explanation and guidance of the local team. They hope that in the future they can apply these models to their products and become the highlights of observation.

This observation activity first led the participants to understand the high-quality Yilan local creation team: Yilan Dan, observe how the team can create products belonging to Yilan in the aquaculture fishery market, and produce and sell them to the metropolis of Taipei to achieve good performance; continue the creative thinking and guide the participation Participants observe Zhuangwei's landscape artworks nearby, and think about how to use art to connect local communities to create a common good. In the afternoon, they will go to Dongshan to learn about the changes of Dongshan River from upstream to downstream, from the past life to the present, and the history of the development of the Lanyang Plain. Taste the seasonally limited rice food culture of the Dongshan Agricultural Innovation Park, and immerse yourself in the "Wandering Winter Mountains". Finally, go to the Xihe Food-Local Fishery Cultural Center to observe how the marine settlements use creativity to revitalize local industries. The one-day itinerary combines the agricultural and fishery industries to bring participants a feast of knowledge from different aspects.

Director Ma Huida of the Northeast Management Office said that the value of observation activities is learning. We must not do our own things with our heads down. We must go out and see the strengths of others, discover our own shortcomings, and improve them, and try to follow wherever they are. By linking, giving back to the community, the community will also repay, so that tourism is no longer a one-way interaction, but multi-party mutual assistance, which can really create bright spots, such as the Zhuangwei Sand Dune Tour Service Park, and actively interact with the local area, looking forward to the near future Can give everyone a new look.

The Northeast Point and Yilan Management Office stated that this time is to observe the local businesses in Yilan County, and the observation activities in New Taipei City will be held after the Lunar New Year. It will also follow this model and lead the businesses in the Greater Northeast Cape Tourism Area to The local high-quality team learns and hopes to create more development opportunities through the excitement of different thinking. Interested business friends are welcome to sign up.

Great Northeast Tourism CircleGuided Tour of Zhuangwei Sand DunesLocal farmersHealthy 5-color riceCook small rolls yourselfFresh rollsTourist factory

Last Updated:2021-02-17