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Cai Mingliang invited Yunmen 2 to dance "Zhuangwei Sand Dunes", 6/23 welcome free viewing

Date :2019-06-12
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On June 23rd (Sunday), the Zhuangwei Sand Dun Tourist Service Park will be held by Yunmen 2 and Cai Mingliang to perform the "Dune Dance" event. The event will be performed in the 5 exhibition halls of the Dune Exhibition Hall. After the performance, the art will be held outdoors. The lecture invited the people to discuss the images of Cai Mingliang, Zheng Zonglong's dance and Huang Shengyuan's architecture. The event is free to visit, and it is wonderful to welcome you. Welcome to Yilan Zhuangwei to enjoy this art feast!

On June 23, Director Cai Mingliang and Yunmen 2 will cooperate to bring "Dune Dance" activities! The content consists of two main axes: Yunmen 2 "Dune Dance" performance and "Art Lecture"; "Dune Dance" performance venue is held in the 5 exhibition halls of Dune Exhibition Hall (dust, wind, sea, rain and moonlight), by Cloud Gate The 15 dancers of the 2 immersive spaces interact with the unique environment to allow visitors to watch at close distances. With the diverse situational changes of the five different exhibition halls, the sensory interactive effect is felt, due to the space limitations and safety. Considering the total amount of control in the entrance hall; after the performance, director Cai Mingliang and Director Yun Zonglong held an art discussion in the outdoor area of the park, facing the landscape of pure natural sand dunes and wind-proof forests, and the exchange of film and dance across the field. Dialogue, I hope that with this event, I will open up a new vision for the tourism of Zhuangwei.

The first collaboration between Director Cai Mingliang and Director of Yunmen 2 Zheng Zonglong began in the 2011 stage play "Only You". Zheng Zonglong served as the action guide. The creative process Cai Ming always asked: "Slower and slower," Zheng Zonglong told Li Kangsheng: "You just need to feel that you are not moving." This quiet force has developed into eight series of "walker" series of video works exhibited in the Dune Exhibition Service Park - Dune Exhibition Hall. Therefore, this time, Cai Mingliang invited Yunmen 2 to dance in the sand dunes. Zheng Zonglong promised that "Dune Dance" is like a natural extension agreed eight years ago.

Zheng Zonglong said to the dance he wrote: "I want to put the mirage that Xuanzang sees into the sand dunes." Zheng Zonglong remembered the strange characters and stories of Xuanzang's Western Heaven, especially for Xuan Zang's vows. The experience of the mind and death in the hot desert is particularly touching. In the desert, Xuanzang saw strange and fascinating pictures. It was very clear in the distance. When it approached, it was blurred. Those scenes in modern times called "the mirage" made Zheng Zonglong fascinated, so he was included in this "dune dance". Dance performances are presented.

The Yunmen 2 dancers will also interpret the relationship with Sha, inspired by Zheng Zonglong to set foot on the Zhuangwei Beach, reflecting the Lintou tree in the eyes of the vines, and the scattered Baote bottles and styrofoam buried in the whole beach. Zheng Zonglong observed the state in which these objects and sand were buried together. "The bottle of Baote reveals a bottle bottom and a plastic bag is half-folded in the sand." This dance visual image is created to bring art closer to life while also bringing into the beach. The feeling of the environment. The music selected for this performance is also beyond the imagination of tourists. The director of Cai Mingliang personally selected the Baha'i music played by Sax, which echoes the army and the erratic flag that Xuanzang saw in the illusion of the desert, and heard the sound of the military sound of the horn. .

Cai Mingliang used the "walker" to play Xuan Zang to take the Western Classics, and Huang Shengyuan constructed the space of this sand dune. Zheng Zonglong will have to show the magical appearance through the dancer's limbs. I hope that the audience will immerse themselves in the space at their own pace, move or stay freely without restraint, freely imagine in their minds, and enjoy the magical time and space of architecture, video and dance. For details of the event, please pay attention to the "Friends of the Northeast" Facebook page.

It is recommended that you go to the event to take more trains from the Taitung Railway to the Yilan Railway Station, or take the public transport to the Yilan Transfer Station and transfer to the Taiwan Good Line-Zhuangwei Dune Line (Yilan Transfer Station to the Head City Railway Station. Stop at Yilan Railway Station), 1 hour on weekdays, 1 hour on holidays (8:30 am to 16:30 am), and on the afternoon of June 23, at 18:20 pm, open from Zhuangwei Dunes Park to Yilan Transfer station special train; there are also Guoguang Passenger Transport 1788, Yilan Jinhaoxing 793, 791 and other routes can be connected to the bus, detailed time shifts please go to Taiwan and the passengers official website to inquire.

6/23 activity process:
1. Remind you: The dune dance performance will start on time at 14:30, taking into account space constraints and safety considerations, and entering the library to control the total amount.
2, 14:30-17:00 Dune dance performance (5 exhibition halls of Dune Exhibition Hall)
3, 17:00-18:00 Art Lecture (Director Cai Mingliang and Director of Yunmen 2 Zheng Zonglong)

2019 Dune Art Tour "Dune Dancing" promotional video

Last Updated:2019-11-06