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The results of the North East Corner and Yilan Coast Photography Competition were released. "Looking at Guishan Island" won the gold medal. The award ceremony was held on November 17.

Date :2018-11-09
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After the public selection of the "2018 Northeast Corner and Yilan Coast Photo Contest" held by the Northeast Corner of the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Communications and the Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Management Office, Pan Tongzheng won the gold medal in "Looking at Guishan Island", the overall romantic mysterious blues of the photo. The view of the northeast corner of the rock and the view of Guishan Island is impressive. The 43 awards for this competition are scheduled to be held at 11:00 am on November 17, 2007 at the Dune Tourism Service Park in Zhuangwei, and a photography lecture will be held in the afternoon. Welcome everyone to attend.

The northeast corner has special terrain, with a fascinating rocky cliff, a giant sea-eroded terrain, a soft golden beach, and a rich marine ecology including Guishan Island. It has been selected as one of the top 100 green tourist destinations for three consecutive years. The competition is based on the theme of the four seasons of the northeast corner of the coast, and with the special awards for the completion of the Gulf Tourism Year and the Zhuangwei Sand Dunes Tourism Service Park, a total of 464 works were selected. After the public selection, gold, silver and bronze prizes were selected. The name of the gold medal winner Pan Tongzheng took the long exposure method of "Looking at Guishan Island" and the composition of wireless extension, and photographed the charming sea color in the northeast corner and the beauty of Guishan Island. The silver medal winner Xu Wei took the city from the head city. The "Angel Stairs" in the octagonal building of the park is full of creativity and architectural features. The bronze medal winner Zhan Wenjuan has a strong blend of Guishan Island scenery and the industry with Zhuangwei's "Drawing Style", showing the local humanities. There are also 20 best works, 8 special prizes for Guishan Island, 12 selected prizes for the Zhuangwei Sand Dunes Tourism Service Park, and 46 selected prizes. The winners have been announced on the Friends of Fans page and official website of the Northeast Corner, November 17 The award ceremony will be held in the Zhuangwei Sand Dun Tourist Service Park, so that all works will be presented to the public at a time.

In addition, in order to let the general public also have the most beautiful pictures in the heart, in the afternoon of the award ceremony, three professional photographers will be invited to give lectures to the park to share basic photography skills. The lectures include Zhong Yonghe, honorary chairman of the China Photographic Art Exchange Society, and the Internet. Well-known film critic left-handed and senior director Liu Jiancheng. Mr. Zhong Yonghe’s “The Light and Shadow Years of Urban and Rural Sketches in Taiwan” creates a visual touch with the public and a dialogue with the endless human life. Mr. Zuo Zizi takes a picture of world-renowned movie spots and leads everyone to explore the movement of the movie world. Scenery; Liu Jiancheng's director combined with modern technology's multi-type shooting techniques to create a multi-dimensional view of the image. A series of brilliant lectures will lead the people to capture the scenery, pass on the ground forever, capture every moment of beauty and beauty with the lens, remember the beauty of the heart through the photos, and return to the journey to find the exclusive memory of life.

Relevant event information can be found on the official website of the event or Facebook to search for " Friends of the Northeast Corner " (; it is recommended that you take more trains from the Taiwan Railway to Yilan Railway Station, or Take the passenger transportation to the Yilan transfer station and transfer to the Taiwan Good Line-Zhuangwei Dune Line (Yilan Transfer Station to the Toucheng Railway Station, there is also a stop at Yilan Railway Station), 1 hour on weekdays (8:30 am) 16:30), half an hour of holiday (8:30 am to 16:30 am)

11/17 event time information:
Northeast Corner Photo Contest Awards Ceremony 11:00-11:45
Northeast Corner Photography Series Lecture
13:00-14:00 Township sketch light and shadow years Zhong Yonghe teacher
14:15-15:15 from the movie, see the world left-handed teacher
15:30-16:30 multi-modal photography horizon Liu Jiancheng teacher

Gold Medal - Pan Tongzheng - "Looking at Guishan Island"
Gold Medal - Pan Tongzheng - "Looking at Guishan Island"

Silver Medal - Xu Wei - "Angel Steps"
Silver Medal - Xu Wei - "Angel Steps"

Bronze Medal - Zhan Wenjuan - "Drawing Style"
Bronze Medal - Zhan Wenjuan - "Drawing Style"

Last Updated:2018-11-09