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[With Cai Mingmeng·You Sand Dunes] Open for registration 啰

Date :2018-06-22
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7/6 Slow tour of the "Dune" Park and "Tourist Tsai Ming" deep tour, 7/7 overnight "Dune" art gallery and participation in surrounding activities

Director Cai Mingliang, who opened the "Dingwei Sand Dunes Tourist Service Park" opened this year, planned a two-year exhibition "The Walker and Cai Mingliang", inviting the people to slow down and calm down, arranged in the natural elements surrounding the Zhuangwei. In the exhibition hall, watch the works of the eight "Leaders" series of Li Kangsheng's slow walk, immersed in the "slow" atmosphere.
The central construction team led by the architect Huang Shengyuan has turned the interior of the "dune" into a natural maze of intercommunication, combining the imagery of the dunes in the Zhuangwei area, and the seemingly inadvertent formation of the sacral passages and caves. Lighting, every place just responded to the hope of director Cai Mingliang's quiet appreciation of art, reminding participants to watch the subtle changes in the image and lead back to everyone's inner silence.

The work has just been selected by the visual artist An Zhe of the Italian Bologna Illustrator Exhibition. The paintings are full of fantasy and sweet style, but the development of the story often uses a sharp angle to care for the nature and the bottom of nature. This time, by the director of Cai Mingliang, he invited the artist to take a deep tour of the park. An Zhe used his unique imagination and eyes with surrealism to bring everyone outside the building, occasionally closing his eyes and breathing deeply, feeling the most in Taiwan. Unique sand dune tourism park.

Event name:

7/6 (5) Slow tour sand dune walker

7/7 (6) Sleeping in the sand dunes

Activity time:

2018-07-06(5) 14:00 ~ 2018-07-09(1) 08:00

Event Location:

No. 18, Lane 196, Section 2, Zhuangbin Road, Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County (Zhuangwei Sand Dun Tourist Service Park)

Event registration fee:

1. 7/6 (5) Slow travel sand dune walker: 600 yuan / person registration fee - "Dune" design bag, Yilan local fine lunch box 1

2. 7/7 (6) Sleeping in the sand dunes at night: 1,000 yuan / person registration fee - 1 admission bracelet (one-time bracelet), 1 "dune" design bag,
"Dune" design 1 sleeping pad, 1 breakfast (7/8 at 4:30 in the morning, open for breakfast)
* Nightstay activities are limited to children over the age of 6 and children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by at least one adult.

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Last Updated:2018-06-22