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2018 Fulong sand sculpture "domestic creative sand sculpture contest" winners out of victory

Date :2018-05-20
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The two-day 2018 Fulong Sand Sculpture Domestic Competition was judged by professional judges on the afternoon of May 20th. The final score was announced. The first work "Shi" - Killer Team, second work " "Ma" - the Xiongshu team, the third work "Phase" - Fulong Traveler 1, respectively, won the trophy and bonus of three, two, ten thousand yuan, and the other five groups of awards each worth 6,000 yuan. Every sand sculpture master has turned his own creative creation into an action display, adding to the "2018 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Season".

At the end of this week, the wind and the sun, the northeast corner of the beach assembled a total of 20 domestic amateur sand sculpture and cultivation project team, gathered in the Fulong Coastal Sands competition, the specific "chess" image of the heart to complete the specific sand sculpture. Regardless of where the chess pieces are located, the creators' sweating and meticulously crafted works are incredible in style, enthusiasm, ideology, rushing, playfulness, animal incarnation, character modeling, Chinese and Western mergers, grotesque whimsy, etc. It is a fascinating eye for every viewer to see the richness of sand sculpture art.

This year's Fulong sand sculpture theme "Golden Sands Airways - Adventures of Love and Courage" is divided into the theme sand sculpture area, the international sand sculpture area and the domestic sand sculpture area. There are 13 sand sculpture masters from 13 countries and domestic players to create a total of 76 seats. Sand sculptures, wonderfully exhibited until July 15. Another event will be held on June 16th (Day) to host the "100-person sand sculpture-Fulong sand sculpture train viewing experience", and welcome everyone to travel to the northeast corner to create a common memory.

Last Updated:2018-05-20